(La Junta, CO) -- While Otero County Commissioners are not meeting with their regularly scheduled meeting this week, there are quite a few things planned for the week. Monday morning Commissioners Jim Baldwin, Rob Oquist and John Hostetler will meet with the county attorney, there's an emergency management meeting planned and a work session. Tuesday, a meeting to discuss the Otero County jail is planned and a meeting to talk about substance abuse prevention with Otero and Crowley Counties combined, which is planned to be a zoom meeting. Commissioner John Hostetler is scheduled to be in Bent County Wednesday to meet with RESADA and an Ark River Basin Roundtable talk will happen in Pueblo.
Meanwhile, La Junta City Council will meet Monday, February 7th at 6pm in the city municipal building auditorium. If you would like to attend and sign up to speak out on something arrive a few minutes early.
(Ordway, CO) -- Crowley County Commissioners have a meeting this week, Thursday February 10th at 8:30. They meet at 603 Main Street in the Administration Annex. If you want more information, contact the Administrative Assistant at the Annex or call the office at (719) 267-5555, ext. 2.
(Las Animas, CO) -- Bent County Commissioners will hold a regular meeting this Thursday February 10th. The meeting is in the basement or meeting room of the Bent County Courthouse and the public is welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 9am.
City Council meets the second Tuesday of the month, which is this week, February 8th at 7pm in the council chambers at City Hall. The Las Animas Light and Power Board meets at 5:30 and the Public Works board meeting happens at 6pm on days of the city council meetings.