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Listen: Interviews & Newscasts

My experience in television and radio led me to create this page. Often times, I would want to tell more of the story but time didn't allow it. I hope to be able to share more in-depth stories here that are important to you. And I think the on-line platform is perfect so that you can get news your way. Watch, listen, read.

- Anne Boswell


We will not waste your time. News should be YOUR way.

Watch, listen, read. It is that simple.

Listen Up!

Community Interviews.

Friends, Family & Neighbors

Should Public Employees Have the Right to Unionize?  Senate Bill 23-111 Draws Concern from Southern Colorado Lawmaker

SB23-111_PublicEmployees Worlplace Protection
00:00 / 12:41

Podcast of the Month

00:00 / 26:01
Interview with Cary PoarchThat Girl Can Talk Podcast
00:00 / 29:28
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