(La Junta, CO) -- Veteran and Otero county resident Jody Bracy stood during the public comment section of the commissioners meeting today to say she's happy to see a resolution to oppose closing the VA clinic in La Junta. Bracy also urged commissioners to stay on top of what's happening with the situation because Veterans are waiting too long for appointments.

"I had a consult in, for a community care chiropractic consult, it's been over a month, do you think I've heard from the VA? no. Do you think we have enough healthcare in the valley? no. um, since Dr. Archeleta died, my sole source of healthcare is the VA." Bracy explained.
Bracy said she worries that if the clinic in La Junta and others in southern Colorado do close Veterans will be burdened with economic hardships from extensive travel and costs to be seen.
Veterans' Service Officer for Bent and Otero counties, Rick Ward also stood to speak at Monday's meeting. He said he's been in contact with the VA and they will hold an informational meeting in La Junta on August 10th. It starts at 2:30 and its aim is to allow time for one on one help for Veterans.

Commissioners drafted and signed the resolution Monday officially opposing the closure of the VA Clinic in La Junta.

Here is a copy of the resolution.

Expect us to follow this story when there's an update. And make sure to check out our Veterans' issues and concerns tab where you'll find interviews and upcoming information.