(Colorado) -- Rich Mack is just a Colorado man who says he wants to support efforts to end
the emergency powers act. Rich helped organize the group Colorado Freedom Convoy 2022. It was originally thought that a convoy in the United States like the one in Canada would pass through Colorado but now that has changed. Mack told us that social media posts are full of a lot of misinformation but he did say that they know that truckers will leave out of Barstow, California taking 1-40 east bound into St. Louis and I-70 into the Capital. If you would like to hear the interview in its entirety. Click here.
And here are more links to follow the Colorado Freedom Convoy 2022 group:
The People's Convoy (Official)
Website: https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/
The People's Convoy Facebook (Official)
Brian Brase - GETTR
Mike Landis - GETTR
You can email at: coloradofreedomconvoy2022@gmail.com www.tinyurl.com/COFREEDOMCON2022 Telegram: https://t.me/+Gb-40aVrgrAzN2Yx