(the following is a news release provided to Colorado News Your Way from the state of Colorado)
Colorado School Safety Resource Center Training Covers Everything from Marijuana and Sexting to Suicide and Sexual Abuse Prevention

(Statewide) – As students head back to school, the list of things that families and school staff worry about is as long as the list of school supplies: gun violence, bullying, drug use, suicide, sexual abuse, and sexting to name just a few - not to mention hopes about finding a place where youth can find belonging and success.
To help school communities tackle these tough and complex subjects, the Colorado School Safety Resource Center (the Center) within the Colorado Department of Public Safety has organized a full slate of training events for the school year.
“We provide these training events with the goal of fostering safe, positive learning environments and preventing crises through prevention and intervention,” said Christine Harms, Director of the Center. “The free information, training, resources, consultation, and technical assistance offered by the Center help schools take a proactive approach to safety and academic achievement; when children have a positive, secure school climate, they are more likely to thrive and succeed.”

The Center’s upcoming trainings are free and targeted towards school administrators, teachers, safety staff, resource officers, mental health professionals and other staff; community partners, parents, students, and anyone else who works with schools are also welcome to attend.
Colorado School Safety Resource Center 2022-2023 Calendar of Training Events
Safe Schools Summit
WHEN: Oct. 20-21
WHERE: Oct. 20 in person in Thornton & streamed; Oct. 21 virtual online
WHAT: A two-day summit jam-packed with a variety of school safety and positive school climate workshops and presentations, featuring keynote speakers:
Ben Cort - Marijuana and Youth
Anna Mueller - Results of Suicide Prevention Research
John Nicoletti - De-escalation
Adam Dodge - Cybersafety
Youth Suicide Prevention Symposium
WHEN: Nov. 15
WHERE: In-person in Lowry (Denver); available by livestream
WHAT: A full day dedicated to prevention, intervention, and post-vention of youth suicide, with a focus on vulnerable populations. Highlights include:
Suicide among students of color - Ron Lee, Psy.D., CSSRC
Muslim youth and suicide risk - Rania Awaad, Ph.D., Stanford University
Sleep hygiene and suicide - Tina Goldstein, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Assessing suicide in young children - Dr. Jeff Bridge, Ph.D., Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Adoptees and suicide - Lina Vanegas, InterCountry Adoptee Voices
Colorado Student & Staff Safety Summits
WHAT: Members of the School Safety Youth Council plan a series of interactive, day-long safety summits in local communities where students and faculty gather together to listen to safety presentations and work side-by-side in workshops to address safety within their schools.
Colorado Springs - Nov. 29
La Junta - Dec. 1
Hayden - Dec. 8
MORE INFORMATION: Registration information and agendas will be published on the School Safety Resource Center website this fall.
Western and Southwest Colorado School Safety Symposia
WHAT: Similar to the Colorado School Safety Summit held in Denver this fall, these one-day events offer a suite of expert speakers and workshops on a variety of school safety topics.
Grand Junction - Dec. 7
Alamosa - Jan. 26, 2023
MORE INFORMATION: Registration information and agendas will be published on the School Safety Resource Center website later this fall.
School Safety Speaker Series
WHAT: A weekly series of virtual safety sessions featuring state and national experts presenting on a variety of topics.
WHEN: Tuesdays, Jan. 10, 17 and 24, 2023
WHERE: Virtual online
MORE INFORMATION: Details and registration information will be published on the School Safety Resource Center website later this fall.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Symposia
WHAT: Workshops to prepare school staff and parents to identify, prevent, and intervene in potential child sexual abuse scenarios.
Pueblo - Feb. 8, 2023
South-metro area - Feb. 10, 2023
MORE INFORMATION: Details and registration information will be published on the School Safety Resource Center website later this fall.