(Otero County) -- Dustin Bryan is a man with a truck, a little truck, well not little but not a big rig. He's making a big statement however, by planning to join up with 18 wheelers headed across Colorado Thursday March 3rd. According to the Facebook group Colorado Freedom Convoy 2022, the truckers are scheduled to leave Aurora, Colorado from the Flying J Truck stop and head east on I-70. Bryan is planning on joining them at Limon, Colorado and travel east a bit, possibly to the state line. He says it's history in the making so he's taking his daughter to see it and take part in it. Truckers across the United States began to organize a movement similar to the one started in Canada in response to vaccine mandates but they say it's more about freedom in general. They are planning to meet up in Washington DC for a peaceful protest. Organizers of the social media pages say they're planning to line overpasses with flags and posters to show support for the truckers. If you'd like to hear an interview with Bryan, just listen by clicking here.
