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Fuel Prices Threaten Bent County Fair Rodeo

(Las Animas, CO) -- High costs of fuel are adding to the concern that this year's Bent County Fair Rodeo might be leaner. Fair board President Tina Godfrey reached out to commissioners to ask if they were ok to make some adjustments to help with costs. Godfrey sent a message to County Commissioner Jean Sykes saying they were not able to book a stock contractor for the ranch rodeo which was budgeted at $3,000. She asked if the line item cost of $3,000 could be added to the Rodeo to defray costs.

$18,600 total is needed for the rodeo. but current budget is $16,000 so the $3,000 could be moved over from the Ranch rodeo line item to the rodeo to meet the demands of the costs. Since it wasn't adding to the overall budget for the county fair rodeo, commissioners decided that it would be a wise decision to save the rodeo. You can hear what was said at the meeting, here.

The rodeo is held at the end of the Bent County Fair is which the last weekend of July, July 29th and 30th for 2022. The fair barbeque dinner will still be held on Saturday as it has traditionally been held.


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