(McClave, CO) -- More conversation is expected tonight as the McClave School Board awaits Bent County’s decision whether or not to partner with them to help them move forward on a BEST grant. The school board has asked Bent County Commissioners to sell them one-point-two acres of property to build a new school. The property they’d like to have belongs to the East End Bridge headquarters. The school also proposed that the county take over part of the existing school building and turn it into a community center for the east end of the county. The school needs to be free of their current building or tear it down to obtain the *BEST grant for a new building. County Commissioners have stated concern in public meetings that taking on an additional community center building would be an unexpected cost to the county, especially since they already maintain a community center in Las Animas. Another concern expressed by the county would be giving up their Road and Bridge building would mean they would need to find another location and move or build a new facility; another concern with costs and feasibility. The meeting is at the McClave school, tonight, Monday, March 27 at starts at six. It will be in the science room which is across from the office.

*According to the Colorado Department of Education’s website:
Established in 2008 with the signing of C.R.S.22-43.7, BEST provides an annual amount of funding in the form of competitive grants to school districts, charter schools, institute charter schools, boards of cooperative educational services, and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. BEST funds can be used for the construction of new schools as well as general construction and renovation of existing school facility systems and structures.