(Las Animas, CO) -- With the Mayor of Las Animas in the courtroom, along with two other city employees, code enforcement officer Greg Champney waived the reading of charges against him in connection with the Ft. Lyon fire of April 12th.
According to the court the charges were filed June 16th.
The charges that were requested when a warrant was written for his arrest are as follows.
Charges Arson 1 5/16/2022 --Status Arrest Only Charge Statute 18-4-102(1) Class F3 (Class 3 Felony) Offense Date From 04/12/2022
Charges Arson 2-damage $100k-$1m Reads 18-4-103 Status Arrest Only Charge Statute 18-4-103(1),(2)(g) Class F3 (Class 3 Felony) Offense Date From 04/12/2022
Charges Arson 4-property $100k-$1m Endangered Reads 18-4-105(2) Status Arrest Only Charge Statute 18-4-105(1),(3)(g) Class F3 (Class 3 Felony) Offense Date From 04/12/2022
Charges Firing Woods/prairie-set Fire Reads 18-13-109 Status Arrest Only Charge Statute 18-13-109(1) Class PO (Unclassified Petty Offense) Offense Date From 04/12/2022
Charges Reckless Endangerment Status Arrest Only Charge Statute 18-3-208 Class M2 (Class 2 Misdemeanor) Offense Date From 04/12/2022
The Fort Lyon fire destroyed two homes near Ft. Lyon and burned nearly 3,000 acres. Multiple agencies were deployed for mutual aid and the state of Colorado deployed a unit to help with relief.
Champney is the code enforcement officer for the City of Las Animas. He turned himself into the Bent County Sheriff's office, bonded out of jail and has been on paid administrative leave from his job with the city since that time.
Champney will return to court July 18th at 1:30 for a pre-trial conference.

Come on Melody. Thank you but I just summarized what happened. As you know that first trip to court is about the length of an early Beatles tune IF you waive reading the charges.
This is a stunning article. So well written. I would be so afraid. I remember watching people move through the judicial process. This list of charges are crazy- scary. It will be a case people should be paying attention to. Everyone, from every perspective. Everything matters. People dealing with this should be the most capable people available. Every thing about this is hard. The prosecution, defense, court process. Yikes!